From inside (document excerpt):
KIA, THE COMPANY Now that the owner of a Kia vehide, you’U probably be asked a 101 of questions aboUi your vehicle and the company like “‘Yhat IS:t Kia? “. “Who is Kia’!’. “What docs “Kia’ mean? “. Here are some answers. Fin.l Kia is the oldest car company in Korea. It’s a company that bas thousand’ of employees focused on building. hign-quality vehicles at affordahle prices becau;;e the emplo)’ees own a significant percentage of lhe company. The first syllable. Ki. in the won! “Kia’- means “‘fO arise from to the worla’ or “‘0 come up oul of to the world “, lltc M:Cond syllable.
User and Operator’s Vehicle Manual Guide. Free Auto PDF Manual Download. Years covered by this manual: 2005.
a, means “Asia “, So. the won! Kia, means “10 arise from ” or ’10 come up out of Asia 10 the world “, Enjoy JOllr I’fhicle! FOREWORD llumk you for choosing a Kia vehicle. When) ou require 5.ervice. remember thai YOllr aUlhon7ed Kia dealer knows your vchide best. Your dealer has fal “tory-lrailled lechnicians. recommended special lonls, genume Kia replacemelll pal’t. and is dedkmcd to your complete satisfaction. Because subsequem owncn; require this imponunI inJonnation as Ihe right 10 di Olllinue or change 5peCificauons or design at any time without notice and .ithout incuning any obligation. If you ha c questions. always check with your Kia Dealer. We assure you of our continuing interest in your motoring pleasure and atisfac{jon in your Kia vehicle. well. thi;;, publicmion should remain willl the vehicle if it l’j sold. @1004 Kia Motors Corp. Reproduction by any means. elecrronic. or mechanical, Including photocopying, recording. or hy any infonnation storage amI retrieval systcm or translation in whole or part is not permitted without written lIuthonzation from Kia t ‘fOiors Corpomtion. Printed in Korea Thilructions. It is further recommended thaL the be placed in the ‘chidc':-, rear cat ,ince Ihis can make an important conLribUlion 10 safety. Your vehicle is provided with three child restrain! hook holders on the package tnty behind lhe rear seat for instal1in the child !:’eat or infanL Cal. A WARNING – Child Restraint Placement Never use a child restraint in the front passenger seat. A child In a child restraint installed in the front passenger seat can be severely or fatally injured by an air bag which could impact the child restraint with great force when the air bag inflates. 2. Inser! the tongue plate inlo the buckle. 3-33 KNOWING YOUR VEHICLE CHILD RESTRAINT ANCHORAGE POSnWN. – Your vehicle is equipped with an anchor for securing the tether. trap of a child restraint sySli:m (child sem). The child n:straint anchor fitting an: installed on the shelf behind the rcar .’icaL it. WARNING If the tether strap is clipped incorrectly, the child restraint seat may not be restrained properly in the event of a collision. Installing a child restraint seat: 1. Position the child I “esfraim seat all the rear pa. senger seat cushion. 2. I{oute the child rcslraim scat tether strap over the hack of the seal. For vchides with adjustable head rC lraints. rollle the leIher strap under the head restraint :lnd between the head restr-aint posts, otherwise mUll: lhe tether strap over lhe lop or lhe seatbacL 3. Locale (he correct aocllO[ on the package tray hehinll the rear seat for the selected searing pmition. -+. Open the teTher anchor co ‘er, :’i. Clip the let her slrap huok to the tether strap hook holder. 6. Tighten the tether strap to tX:L1re Lhe sea!. it. WARNING – Child Restraint Check that the child restraint system is secure by pushing and pulling it in different directions. Incorrectly fitted child restraints may swing, twist, tip or come away causing death or injury. it. WARNING – Child Restraint Anchorage · Child restraint anchorages are designed to withstand only those loads imposed by correctly fitted child restraints. Under no circumstances are they to be used for adult seat belts or harnesses or for attaching other items or equipment to the vehicle. · The tether strap may not work properly if attached somewhere other than the correct tether anchor. 3·34 CHILD SEAT LOWER ANCHORS Child lower ancilor indicater.
Wikipedia’s page for Kia
Publisher: Kia Canada